Sunday, 31 December 2023

HAPPY YEAR 2024!!!!

     Well, exactly one year ago, I set the release date for Oblidivm's second LP, an album I had been working on for a long time, but which was progressing very slowly. I set myself the goal of launching it on November 1st, 2023, and I am proud to say that I managed to achieve that objective!

The Fermi Paradox has received quite a bit of acceptance and good reviews, and although I am seeing much better listener numbers, it still falls far short of expectations. It seems that, as of today, Oblidivm's style is very niche. The question I ask myself is, what is the next step?

In this upcoming year of 2024, I intend to release a single in Dolby Atmos format, and I might (just might) start an alternative project with much darker music. Just to explore that territory. Another option I'm considering is returning to making free music for video games, as I did before.

2023 was a year of mixed emotions, with some small joys and a great sadness, especially due to the death of one of my best friends, whom I will always remember.

Thus, I begin 2024 with many doubts about where I will direct my projects. But also with a lot of eagerness to see what it has in store for me!

To all of you who have supported me and have read this blog at some point, I just want to say a heartfelt thank you and wish you a happy and wonderful year 2024!!