Monday, 25 February 2019

Only One Left!

Well, I'm about to finish my EP! All that rest is to finish the last track and finally, after a lot of work, I'll be able to release it.
This last musical theme is a medley (with some variations) of two tracks that I produced for a mobile game.
After discarding one of the tracks that cost me the most time for "Immensity", (Some parts not convinced me) I decided to finish my work recovering two of the best songs I composed for the "Galaxy Strikers" OST and mixing them into one, with its own personality.
Although I had originally thought in an EP with four or five songs, I finally decided to include six. Imitating one of the references of the synthwave nowadays, Carpenter Brut, whose three first works were three EP of six tracks each one.
I hope to have a fraction of succesfull that the french producer had.