Saturday, 21 December 2019

Riding The Asteroid Belt Videoclip

My first videoclip!

A track from my LP "Immensity".

Made with small royalty-free clips taken from the Pixabay website!

Check it out!

Monday, 4 November 2019

At last! Immensity has been released!!!

After almost three years of work, a production as longer as hell and a mastering work almost longer, finally my first LP is out!!

I hope a lot of people listen it and enjoy it!!!

Spotify    Apple Music   Google Play/YouTube    Deezer   Tidal

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Last days to finish the project!

I'm in mastering process right now, but the project is already about to finish after almost 3 years of work.
My intention is set the release date in my birthday, 14th November. This is the countdown to see born my creature, tic, tac, tic, tac...

Monday, 25 February 2019

Only One Left!

Well, I'm about to finish my EP! All that rest is to finish the last track and finally, after a lot of work, I'll be able to release it.
This last musical theme is a medley (with some variations) of two tracks that I produced for a mobile game.
After discarding one of the tracks that cost me the most time for "Immensity", (Some parts not convinced me) I decided to finish my work recovering two of the best songs I composed for the "Galaxy Strikers" OST and mixing them into one, with its own personality.
Although I had originally thought in an EP with four or five songs, I finally decided to include six. Imitating one of the references of the synthwave nowadays, Carpenter Brut, whose three first works were three EP of six tracks each one.
I hope to have a fraction of succesfull that the french producer had.