Friday, 25 December 2015

I recently worked in the game Bubble Ninja Frog of "Kleperians" studio. It's a really fun arcade game! In this case only I have collaborated providing SFX. The game is now available in Google Play store.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Now available in the Google Play store the new game of "24 Code Limit" studio, called "Shooty Sky Heroes". It is similar to the famous "Shooty Skies". For this game has been reused a song I wrote for another game of the same development studio, "Jump2Sky", which was eventually canceled. I've also written a second musical theme for the game, both in style "chiptune".

Sunday, 13 December 2015

This is the main theme for the spanish JRPG currently in development called "La Leyenda de Lilith - Los Elegidos", in english: (Legend of Lilith - The Chosen Ones).